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Nuestro Servidor I_icon_minitimeDom Nov 06, 2011 6:50 pm por Invitado

» ISAN soy Zero
Nuestro Servidor I_icon_minitimeJue Nov 03, 2011 10:57 pm por Invitado

Nuestro Servidor I_icon_minitimeMar Oct 25, 2011 11:00 am por Invitado

Nuestro Servidor I_icon_minitimeDom Oct 09, 2011 12:17 pm por Isanlop

» Ayuda igual que mi amiga gracias
Nuestro Servidor I_icon_minitimeMar Oct 04, 2011 5:29 pm por Isanlop

» Soy nuevo y ocupo ayuda gracias
Nuestro Servidor I_icon_minitimeSáb Oct 01, 2011 6:45 pm por Invitado

» este server no cumple sus reglas
Nuestro Servidor I_icon_minitimeDom Sep 18, 2011 3:23 pm por Invitado

Nuestro Servidor I_icon_minitimeVie Sep 09, 2011 3:43 pm por mapo

» el bann es como elininacion
Nuestro Servidor I_icon_minitimeVie Sep 09, 2011 2:13 pm por royyer

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Mensaje  Isanlop Dom Abr 17, 2011 11:53 am

Hola Bienvenido al Servidor de Isanlop, este servidor se hace con un propósito, el de compartir amistad, con la gente, tenemos un server limitado, por el momento, no tenemos ingresos hacia el server, así que lo tenemos con limitaciones, la principal es el límite de personas online que soporta que es de un máx. de 80 jugadores sin crear latencia, por ende te pido comprensión, lo que si te aseguro y estará bien, es la atención, un reino con pocos bugs, pues estamos actualizados tanto en nuestra base de datos con emulador con los últimos reléase de Abril, el server estará online durante las 24hrs del día, con la probable desconexión de 1 hrs al día que sería entre las 10pm a las 11pm, para darle mantenimiento, sin más te invito a entrar y disfrutar de esto que te aseguro no será de algunos días, estaremos aquí hasta que no haya nadie más de pie, y como todo proyecto, empezamos desde abajo para un día no lejano estar en la cima.


Trinity core updated to latest:Trinitycore commithash d9ac745be9d0(Updated on May 1st)
Trinity database updated to latest(Updated on May 1st)
AHBOT updated to latest
New changes in the database structure of Trinitycore!

Corpses: Fixed loading and saving phase
Corrected NULL usage, it should only be used with pointers, not integers
Spells: Cast proper vehicle spells on vehicle summon
Corrected logic checking vehicle summon spells, thx codels
Fixed duration of Noblegarden bunny transforms
Corrected code style in spell script examples
Demonic Circle shouldn't remove combat from player.
GM System: fix tickets saving upon creation
World: Fixed realm character count queries getting lost
Build fixed
InstanceSaveMgr: Fixed typo in friend declaration
Accounts: Fixed saving account tutorials
DBSchema: Corrected query retrieving character count on account
Shadowmoon Valley: Fix kill credit for Enraged Spirits
Dependencies: update to gSoap v2.8.2
Fix the connection issues with SOAP on Windows platforms
Chat: move chat link validation code into separate classes and improve some validation logic
Misc: fix non-pch build
Chat: Fixed possible memory leaks related to chatlink verification
Buildsystem: Update copyright-headers for 2011, and adjust with the correct teamname as well
Items: Fixed Vanquished Clutches of Yogg-Saron
Fixed damage issues
Fixed items with negative stats
Fixed typo
get rid of the revision-id once and for all
ObjectMgr:Refactor sCreatureModelStorage
Refactor sPageTextStore
Refactor sInstanceTemplate
Refactor sEquipmentStorage
Refactor sItemStorage
Refactor sCreatureDataAddonStorage
Refactor sCreatureInfoAddonStorage
Refactor sGOStorage
Refactor sCreatureStorage
Corrected item loading
Removing SQLStorage class leftovers
Restore gcc build
More cleanup after last commit spree
SQL: Fix an sql error in a previous commit
Add spaces after commas
Players: Fixed faction change quest conversion
Fixed file name

Culling of Stratholme: Fixed quest 'Dispelling Illusions'
DB: Fixed comments in character_banned table
DB/GOs: There There Be Eggs(Spawn & pool Brightly Colored Eggs for Noblegarden)
NPCs: Noblegarden - Spawn vendors and quest givers
Spawn & pool Brightly Colored Eggs for Noblegarden
Noblegarden - Spawn vendors and quest givers
Achievements: Fixed "Hard Boiled"
Corrected area requirement for "Hard Boiled", thx Tassader
Fixed Children's Week achievements
Achievements: Removed unneeded script, its now handled by auras


Trinity core revision updated to the newst(11694+ Release Hash: fac56ea88ea4+)
Trinity database updated to the newest(April 15th)
Problem of importing of character dabatase fixed
Core code revised to avoid possible crashes and start up errors and provide better stability

Arena:Restore personal rating loading
Arena team member saving fixed
Added various spawns for Arena season 5
Battleground:update Gameobject hook to support multiple destructable building events.
Instances:Fixed crashes happening when trying to access already deleted players.
CharacterDabatbase cleanup:alter corpse table making column names lowerCamel and move all queries to prepared statements
Spell:Fix global cooldown reset on spell cast interrupt
Misc:fix compilation warnings
PacketIO:Add support for receiving CMSG_UPDATE_PROJECTILE_POSITION
Chat:fix possible client crash by wrong quest shift-link structure
Authserver:minor bugs fixed
Worldserver:clean up unnecessary minor text and revised code style
SAI:Implemented trigger script when creature is behind its current target
Implemented AI for npc Murloc Lurker(eventAI script)

Achievements:Fix Subtraction Achievement
Loot:Add Mature Lasher loot table
Misc:Add Spectral Gyphron to Wintergrasp
Event:Arena Season 5 related spawns&vendor templates
SQL:Updated character database
Commit:wrong file fixed
Character database cleanup
Spawns:Increase active spawns for Herbalism pools
Quest:Fixed the BLACK KNIGHT... chain

Atte.: Isanlop

Mensajes : 76
Fecha de inscripción : 16/04/2011
Edad : 43
Localización : Mexico, D.F.

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